Making Miracles Productions (MMP) is a multimedia franchise company that produces a wide range of products that encompass the worlds of literature, film, TV and education.
The Girl with 35 Names
has created an international buzz. This type of development of a novel is something that has never before been available.
The Girl with 35 Names - Award winning historical fantasy novel by DJ Colbert
From Tiny Seeds, Miracles Grow - A heartwarming collection of 10 children’s stories
The Girl with 35 Names based on DJ Colbert’s award-winning, historical-fantasy, young adult novel
- Middle school curriculum: 4th-8th grade
From Tiny Seeds, Miracles Grow based on DJ Colbert’s heartwarming collection of 10 children’s stories
- Elementary school curriculum: K-5th grade
The Girl with 35 Names is a multi-season streaming series based on DJ Colbert’s award-winning historical fantasy novel
➔ Season 1: “Journey”, 10 episodes
➔ Season 2: “Arrival”, coming soon
➔ Season 3: “Making Miracles”, coming soon
➔ Children Stories Coming Soon
From Tiny Seeds, Miracles Grow is a multi-season streaming series based on DJ Colbert’s heartwarming collection of 10 children’s stories
➔ Coming soon
Two full feature screenplays encompassing Molly‘s adventures in the old world and the new

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Girl with 35 Names

Children's Collection

Who We Are
Making Miracles Productions is focused on producing a wide range of products that encompass the worlds of Literature, Film, TV and education.

Our Mission

Our Vision
Business Audit
Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around
Saving Money
Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around
HR Consulting
Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around
Saving Money
Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around